Holly Saleeby Atkins
Founder, Attorney

Holly Saleeby Atkins is the founding member of the Atkins Law Firm and one of the most well-respected workers’ compensation attorneys in the state. Holly brings a unique perspective to the practice of Workers’ Compensation as she is one of a handful of lawyers in SC that has worked in every aspect of the Workers’ Compensation system—as a defense attorney, a Commissioner, and representing injured workers.
Prior to being appointed to the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission, Holly worked as a defense attorney for ten years representing insurance companies and employers in workers’ compensation matters.
SC Workers’ Compensation Commission
She was then appointed Chairman of the SC Workers’ Compensation Commission by Governor Hodges in March of 1999. While on the Commission, Holly functioned as a hearing officer, deciding disputed claims. She served as a Workers’ Compensation Commissioner until July 2003, when she left the Commission to go into private practice representing injured workers—and thus the Atkins Law Firm was born.
My Story
Holly was born and raised in Hartsville, South Carolina. Her father, Ed Saleeby, Sr., was a longtime attorney and state senator. Her mother, Willie, served by his side. Both believed strongly in the power of giving back. Both instilled in Holly a keen sense of the importance of helping people. She adored her father and followed in his footsteps taking up the practice of law. It was his influence that shaped her career path. Like him, she wanted to champion the working people of South Carolina. Although he didn’t live to see the Atkins Law Firm in its current form, Holly takes comfort knowing the work she is doing is furthering his legacy. In the conference room, Holly keeps an old book that belonged to her father entitled What to do in the Event of a Filibuster. Inside there is an unopened bottle of liquor and two shot glasses. Holly enjoys sharing that fun with other attorneys that come in or clients who knew of her daddy. There are tons of good “Big Ed” stories to be heard here.
For years, Holly has handled claims out of the PeeDee and has always enjoyed the opportunity to give back where she grew up. For years, Holly thought about opening an office back home and with Dewana and Joe on board, Holly was finally able to make that dream a reality. In late 2019, Atkins Law Firm opened a satellite office in Hartsville in the Saleeby building where her dad built his career. For Holly, it creates a sense of coming full circle.
Personal Level
When she is not working, Holly loves spending time with her husband Buddy and their sweet dog Max. Holly and Buddy have one son that lives in Atlanta with his family. Perhaps her favorite pastimes are spoiling her granddaughter Rita Blake and doting on her mother Willie. Holly also enjoys spending time with friends and family, a good glass of wine, and traveling.
With Dewana and Joe on board along with the wonderful dedicated staff, Holly is perhaps as happy as she has ever been in her career and is excited for what the future of the Atkins Law Firm holds in store.
In February of 2014, Ms. Atkins was recognized for her exemplary rating by both peers and clients via the Martindale-Hubbell® Peer Review.