What Sets Us Apart
There are a ton of lawyers out there doing what we do — helping people who have been hurt on the job.
When we first speak with new clients, we are sometimes asked what sets our workers comp lawyers apart.

What sets us apart
There are a ton of lawyers out there doing what we do—helping people who have been hurt on the job. When we first speak with new clients, we are sometimes asked what sets our workers comp lawyers apart. Unequivocally, it is our dedication to customer service and to each other. We love what we do and feel blessed to use our gifts on behalf of our clients. Worker’s compensation claims have a tremendous impact on not just the injured worker, but the whole family. Our lawyers understand that and do our best to make an at times frustrating process run more smoothly. In almost every workers comp claim, some sort of hiccup occurs. It’s the nature of the business. Our lawyers are there to try and minimize those problems—trying to make sure checks come promptly and medical care is provided. The ultimate goal for everyone should be getting the injured worker well and back to work as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, that can’t always happen. Some injuries are too serious. Even then, the goal is to get the injured worker back to as much functionality as possible. Our lawyers are here to guide you through the workers compensation process and minimize the stress as much as possible. And, when the time comes, we ensure that you receive a fair amount of compensation for your injuries.
Our Story

We have a lot of clients comment that we all seem to really like each other and they love hearing the story of how we all came together. There was definitely some divine providence involved. Holly had been proudly running the Atkins Law Firm by herself for almost twenty years after serving her term as a Commissioner and Chair of the South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission. She had started to think about what the future of the firm she spent so much time cultivating would look like. After all, Holly became a lawyer at least in part because of her own father’s legacy of helping people and standing for the working people of South Carolina as a long-time state senator. Holly and Dewana knew each other from working some cases over the years; but one day a fortuitous phone call started them down the path to becoming business partners and the best of friends.
On that particular day, it just so happened that Dewana mentioned to Holly she was considering a career change. Dewana was about 9 years into her law practice and had often thought she would find representing injured workers more fulfilling than representing businesses and insurance companies. Neither of them really remember exactly how it came up but it did. And, it just so happened that right before the phone rang, Holly had been sitting there contemplating the firm’s future. It didn’t happen overnight but the conversation that day set in motion a chain of events that ended with Dewana joining the Atkins Law Firm in 2017. Both ladies will tell you joining forces was one of the biggest blessings of their lives.
As the business grew, Holly and Dewana discussed adding one more lawyer. Atkins Law Firm is small on purpose! Both Holly and Dewana have worked for big workers compensation firms with a lot of bureaucracy and want to make sure we always maintain that family feel. Joe is Dewana’s self-proclaimed little brother and came to work for her fresh out of law school so when the time came, he was the natural choice. Joe joined the firm in March of 2019 and now Holly has adopted him too. All three enjoy spending time with each other’s families and both Holly and Joe enjoy a good visit with Dewana’s crazy children—at least in short spurts. The little Loopers are a wild bunch!
One of our favorite Dewana sayings (she borrowed it from her daddy) is that “friends are the family that we choose,” At the Atkins Law Firm , we are family. Most days, you can find our entire staff in the conference room eating lunch together. We tell stories and fellowship with each other. All of us believe that the camaraderie and kinship we have with each other helps us better serve our clients. Our goal is to provide first rate customer service with integrity. Of course, every once in a while someone comes along that we can’t please but thankfully those instances are rare. A referral is the best compliment we can receive. We hope you enjoyed learning more about our team and how we all came together. Keep in mind that who you hire really does matter and we would be happy to help you!
Holly Atkins Law
Who You Hire Matters
We defend clients in ANY and ALL on-the-job injuries including:
- Construction accidents
- Manufacturing accidents
- Arm, hand, leg, knee, and foot
- Head, neck, and back
- Repetitive motion injuries
- Carpel Tunnel
- And more…
We fight for your benefits, including:
- Weekly Payments
- Medical Benefits
- Death Benefits
- Permanent Disability